Frequently asked questions

- Here you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions.

Do you have other questions? Please use the contact form.

How do I install the module?

Updated: 2024-06-17

  1. Start by downloading the module on Note that you always will get the latest version at this page.

  2. Log in to your PrestaShop back-office / admin-page. Note that you need to have all privileges (super-admin).


  1. Navigate to Modules:


  1. Click to upload the module:


  1. Select the module on your computer or drag it to the box:


  1. Proceed by clicking on the configure-button, and you will come to the configuration page.

  2. Fill in the API-connection form with MSN, and keys that is found in your Vipps / MobilePay portal:


  1. Proceed by filling the rest of the form, with:
    • Choose at least one capture orderstate (payments for your Vipps / MobilePay orders will be captured from the customer on this/these order state(s))
    • Choose at least one cancel orderstate (payments for your Vipps / MobilePay orders will be cancelled or refunded on this/these order state(s))
    • Choose if you want Vipps / MobilePay Checkout direcly on clicking the shopping cart, or not.


  1. Click Save and check your front-office for changes.
  2. Please make at least one test-order to make sure everything works fine.

By madsoliver on 2024-06-17

Why does'nt my shipping methods show?

Updated: 2024-06-17

I struggle with an error that my PrestaShop shipping methods / carriers does not show in Vipps/MobilePay checkout.

  • Please make sure that you have setup PrestaShop carriers correcly.
  • Make sure that they are active for the wanted countries.
  • Make sure that the carrier(s) are active
  • Check that the carrier(s) have valid ranges (either price or weight)
  • Check that the carrier(s) max dimentions are empty or within the range of the cart items you are testing with.
  • Make sure that the products in your cart does not have specific carrier restrictions enabled.

By madsoliver on 2024-06-17